Thursday, November 29, 2012

"Are Freckles Forever"?


“Are freckles forever”?…that’s a question I have been asking myself all my life. Freckles are either hereditary or earned. And what I mean by “earned” is that you have neglected to protect your skin from the suns harmful rays, point blank. Me on the other hand, well I have BOTH! Not until after my mom was diagnosed with skin cancer did we ever attempt to protect me from the sun. No sunscreens, no long sleeves, no hats…I just burned, blistered and peeled over, and over, and over! And now for as long as I can remember, I have had oodles of freckles everywhere! My mom had freckles everywhere!…let me give you a little history on me and my families loooong line of “Freckle Syndrome”, as I call it. My mom was Florida born and raised orphan and growing up for her, the sun was a breath of fresh air for her. You couldn’t keep that kid out of the sun! Fishing, boating, swimming, walking the railroad tracks and picking the hot melted tar off and chewing it like gum!…what? It’s all she could afford, she was an orphan.(she said it didn’t taste all that bad either…I took her word for it…ick!) But anyways, what I was trying to say is that they didn’t practice sun damage prevention way back then. The closest thing you got to a sunscreen back then was “Crisco” or ”Baby Oil”! Not exactly prevention more of a “Shake’n Bake” process increasing the chances of sun damaged skin and Skin Cancer. They might as well screamed “Cancer, take me away”! The tanner you were, the cooler you were! “It was a sign of someone who embraced the great outdoors and wasn’t pencil pushing” as my mom would say. But as a result of all that basking in the sun and “embracing it’s glory”, my mom’s body paid the price and became covered in freckles, liver spots, wrinkles and eventually, skin cancer, the fear of my exsistance.

As far back as I can remember, I recall staring at my mom’s face, legs and arms thinking to myself and I’m sure with a really weird look on my face, “is this what I’m going to look like when I get older”? NO!. NO!. NO! “there must be a cure! and from that point on I set out to find that cure.
Ok well by now you probably know that freckles have been the bane of my exsistence. I know that sounds extreme, but let me tell ya, growing up with freckles was worse than having glasses and being called “four eyes”. At least you could put contacts in to stop the taunting, but what does a 11yr old, freckle face kid do? Can’t remove my face, or wear a mask to school.(even though I thought they were pretty good ideas back then) Against what most peoples opinions would say is wrong or trashy, my mom bought me foundation to cover them up. Yes at the age of 11, I was wearing more makeup than most adult women. My mom knew how bad I felt about myself and felt if it would hold down some of the teasing it was worth it to me.

So here you have it, I was 11yrs old, wearing oober amounts of makeup covering my freckles and now I’m a 37yr old woman who finally for the first time in 26 years doesn’t wear foundation to cover my freckle anymore! ……urchhhh, back up! I got a little ahead of myself there. Let talk about the thousands of dollars I’ve spent getting to this point! I have tried just about every skin lightener, freckle remover, home remedy, gimmick out there! Including expensive skin treatments like chemical facial peels, infra-red treatments, blah, blah, blah! Nothing worked! Did I also mention that I was a 13 yr Esthetician and Cosmetologist? Yeah, I know what your thinking, but my job was to find the best products out their for my clientele. I always found something that appealed to me and “seemed to work”, but over a short time I come to realize it was time to move on to new ideas because I had tricked my brain into thinking it was working. Let’s face it when you spend the kind of money I was, you REALLY wanted it to work. But the results in front of the mirror was proof enough that it wasn’t….well that was until I was introduced to this product called ” The REVERSE Regimen”. A product developed by the creators of ProActiv, Dr. Kathy Rodan and Dr. Katie Fields. (It’s one of the 5 skincare lines in the Rodan & Fields Dermatologist system).

Well since ProActiv has been a household name for over 20 years, and many of my friends and family swear by the product, I thought, “well, what do I have to loose, but some annoying freckles”, right?… And that’s exactly what I lost! Finally, after 26 years, I found a product that delivered what it say it would do, without burning my face, causing me breakouts, and leaving my skin feel like leather! Plus it has help diminish my scars from past sunburns and acne I had. That was just a bonus I wasn’t expecting. I could actually see my freckles and sun damage disappearing right before my eyes, well, not that quick, but I had noticeable change everyday! I found a solution that makes me beam and I can’t say enough about what this product has done for me. I’m sure results will vary from person to person because we all have different body chemistry, but its definitely worth trying!          

Let Let me share a special moment I had with my husband. A couple moths ago when I started The REVERSE Regimen, my husband was working in the oilfield on 24/14 shifts. Gone for 24 days, home for 14. Yeah it sucked, but the day he returned home after only being on the regimen for 2 weeks, my husband had this weird look in his eyes that I had never seen before. He didn’t say anything, but he came over and touched my face and said in a soft spoken voice, “your skin looks amazing and your absolutely beautiful”…I melted that very moment with tears in my eyes and the largest smile you could ever imagine on a persons face. Now my husband has told me many times before that I was beautiful, but never once that I can recall without a drop of makeup on my face. You have no idea how much impact that moment has had on my life since then? It may only be a couple of months but it feels better that a lifetime! You see that picture at the top of my Blog? That was me two years ago…I know it’s a REALLLLY bad picture, but that’s what I get when I give a camera to a friend, let her put cat eyes on me and set her free! It was the best one I had with no makeup since no one was ever allowed to photograph me without it…but anyways…those are the freckles I was talking about and the scar on my cheek,its hardly noticeable anymore. I will be revealing my before and after pics next week right here on my blog so remember to check back and see, because I’m going to show you that I am living proof that freckles Don’t have to be forever.

If your interested in hearing more about Rodan + Fields Reverse Regimen, check it out on my website…and.yes I’m selling it now, How could I possibly keep something like this a secret? I’m shouting it out at the top of my lungs! GO BUY IT!!!

You may get sticker shock seeing the $160 price, but that is for a 60 day supply with a 100% empty bottle, money back guarantee! I was spending more than $80 a month on makeup I no longer have to wear and the combined skincare products that did NOTHING for me…I’m actually saving money!…speaking of saving money, sign up as a PC (Preferred Customer) and save 10% plus get free shipping, not to mention free 24hr access to Nurse Mary who can answer all your questions and concerns about your skin.You can change your order or cancel at anytime. We do have less than 1% return rate on our products, so that tells you something right there, people like our products! So hurry up and start your journey like I did and take control of your skin by REVERSEing your sun damage….and just so you know, I’m obviously not a blogger, and I have never blogged about anything before now…it’s because I have something worth blogging about! Thanks for reading!

Written By:
Roseanna Brookhouser~Independent Skincare Consultant~Rodan + Fields Dermatologists

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